Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1a. Beginning of the Bucketlist- What You Do

I originally started this blog to do beauty tutorials and to showcase different things about style, fashion, makeup, and etc.
But I've found that I'm just not particularly good at taking the time to do this kind of thing just for the sake of doing it to put online (if that makes sense!).
So I've decided I'm revamping this whole blog. It will basically be the same stuff (no tutorials unless a camera happens to be rolling while I'm doing makeup or something or I get a request)
But I've decided I'm going to just update you guys on my life.
That sounds so conceited, but I think this is kind of what I need to kick myself in the pants and realize that I don't want to wake up one day and realize I've never done anything.
And hey! Maybe you guys can help me along the way! Or join in if you like these same things!
Among other miscellaneous things, I'll be updating you on my bucket list and hopefully I can get most of these filled out.
Wish me luck! :)

2. Go to California
3. Live in New York
4. Get extensions (I have this weird complex. I'll explain in another post!)
5. Be in a music video
6. Model (legit)
7. Go with a friend through Europe
8. Stay on a Native American Reservation
9. Do something that wouldn't normally be done spontaneously (also will be explained)
10. Give out Free Hugs
11. Get a picture with a celebrity
12. Fix my bottom teeth
13. Visit the Playboy Mansion
14. Go on a food trip! (will be explained)
15. Actually start my Bread Pudding Diaries (...also needs explaining)
16. Meet someone through this blog to do some of these with!
17. Attend a party as big as Project X
18. Get a picture kissing a guy celebrity on the cheek (PLEASE, DRAKE. OR RYAN GOSLING.)
19. Be an extra (in anything)
20. Bring awareness to at least one social issue
21. Ski/snowboard
22. Climb a mountain
23. Get straight A's at least ONE semester before my college career is over.
24. Eat at a 5 star restaurant
25. Meet the President (whoever it is at the time. Or Obama and Bush. They seem cool)
26. Get an actual really cool part time job (like being a club promoter or something)
27. Visit Chicago
28. Meet Wendy Williams
29. Have someone agree to let me try online beauty consulting! (I know I'd be good at it!)
30. Have someone say I changed their life
31. Have my life changed
32. Party on a rooftop
33. See the Northern Lights
34. Meet a fashion/style icon and interview them.
25. Watch the sun set (or rise) somewhere where the sun would look massive (like in the movies)
26. Stay in one of those cool hotels you see on Pinterest (like the under water one)
27. Visit the Japanese Tunnel of Fireflies
28. Save up $500,000 just because (1 mil was a little ambitious)
29. Take a great, classic photo
30. Just buy a ticket, get on a plane, and go somewhere
31. Be Painted!
32. Mud wrestle
33. Splurge on something super expensive
34. Stop apologizing for everything! (bad habit!)
35. Establish some sort of exercise routine

The list will definitely grow and shrink as I think of more things and cross things off. <3

Now, my ultimate goal is to end up on television as a host (Broadcast journalism major problems), so I left off things like "be on tv" and things like that, but they're an aspiration as well. Just not something I want to put on my silly bucket list because I'm serious about them.

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